Friday 27 December 2013

Ugandan Gay Man Burnt Alive Days After Anti-Gay Bill Was Implemented

The Government of Uganda has last week signed a bill that further bans homosexuality. According to CNN, a man was even burned to death for being gay shortly. The bill's original 2009 version, named "Kill The Gays," went as far as calling for the death penalty for certain homosexual acts; that provision was shelved following international furore. Under its latest iteration, anyone who conducts marriage ceremonies for same-sex couples faces seven years behind bars.

Failure to report homosexual activity to police is also criminalized. Doctors who treat gays, landlords who rent them property and those suspected of being in any act of homosexuality are subjected to five-year in  prison under the bill. Anyone who offers support to homosexuals will also be committing a criminal offence, which can reportedly extend to counselling.

Though homosexuality has already been illegal in the South-east African nation, some argued this bill needed to be passed to safeguard against Western values. Warning! Graphic Violence: viewer discretion is advised. Many homosexuals and supporters in the nation and worldwide decried the bill's passage.

 "The witch hunt had already started, and now it has been legitimized by the parliament of Uganda, which is very scary," said Clare Byarugaba, who coordinates the Ugandan Civil Society Coalition on Human Rights and Constitutional Law, a gay rights group. "We don't know how brutal the police will be now that the bill has passed. With this legitimization, it's going to get worse." President Yoweri Museveni has to sign the bill within 30 days to make it official.

This is really sad, man inhumanity to man...

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