Saturday 7 December 2013

Delta State: Crisis Looms As Soldiers Attached To Setraco Murders ‘Okada’ Rider In Ughelli

Pandemonium broke out Thursday morning in Ughelli, Delta State after soldiers attached to Setraco Construction Company shot and killed a cyclist, popularly known as “Okada.”

It was gathered that the tragic event happened after soldiers posted to guard a Lebanese expatriate issued an order banning all forms of vehicular movements with the exception of motorcycles that convey school children across the Ughelli Bridge. The order was to enable smooth operations by Setraco Construction workers constructing the Ughelli market bridge.

An ‘Okada’ rider who witnessed the incident described how it happened to an eye witness. “Following the ban by the soldiers, the Okada rider who was carrying a female passenger, passed the barricade setup by the soldiers. Midway into the bridge, he was asked by one of the soldiers to reverse. The Okada rider began to appeal that since he was already midway into the bridge, the soldier should allow him through. While the conversation was going on, the infuriated soldier flogged the Okada rider with his horsewhip. In a swift reaction the Okada man came down from his motorcycle. In the process of taking off his helmet, it mistakenly hit the soldier on the arm.”

According to the eyewitness, “Once the helmet mistakenly hit his hand, the already angered soldier cocked his rifle threatening to shoot. On realizing what was happening, the Okada rider protested by holding the rifle to prevent the soldier from shooting him. On seeing what was happening, another soldier from the corner fired at the Okada rider on the chest but the bullet missed its target. Immediately, another shot was fired at the Okada rider on the head and he died instantly. A bystander at the scene named Felix was also hit by a stray bullet on the side.”

Several eyewitnesses narrated that the soldiers took to their heels on realizing what they had done. However, they returned a few minutes later with a larger number and carried the injured Felix to a hospital and the corpse to the Ughelli police station. The soldiers also hurriedly covered the pool of blood on the ground with sand.

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