Tuesday 12 November 2013

Boko Haram Leader : Shekau is dead – US confrms !

The Council on Foreign Relations, a top United States security think-tank and government advisory, has confirmed after “a thorough investigation,” that Abubakar Shekau of the Boko Haram sect is indeed dead contrary to claims of the sect in their recent infamous 33 seconds video.
According to the report released on Saturday,” it is apparent that the recent video released by the sect was doctored.” In July, the Joint Task Force in Nigeria said that Shekau may have been killed. “In this latest 33 second video, Shekau was even further from the camera and only appeared to speak for just 10 seconds.

The latest video, released on Youtube, is perhaps the biggest sham in the history of terrorism media: Latest 10 Second Sham Video of Blurry Ghost of Late Shekau,” the US security think-tank observed.

 It was noted in the report that this latest sham video clip is very identical to the August video which was also circulated by AFP, which the US Council on Foreign relations” discredited as that of an imposter, except it has a black drape over the old background and Shekau’s image appears to have green-light peripheral shine around it, indicating superimposition.

 It added that the older video was also of highly questionable authenticity, adding: “It appears ‘Shekau’ did not wish to risk thorough investigation of ‘his’ video clips and hence, he made it as blurry, as distant from the camera and as short as possible 10 seconds only, enough time to say 5 words and quickly brush his ghost teeth!”

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